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Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia,  Serbia

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Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia,  Serbia

Matthias Raßbach is Managing Partner of Baldomer Industrial GmbH, which specializes in supporting companies in their search for locations in Central and South-Eastern Europe. He brings over 20 years of experience in the management of corporate real estate. Baldomer Industrial is the “first point of contact” for companies planning new locations or relocations. With its “Market Monitor APS”, Baldomer Industrial offers fast and cost-effective market information, country analyses, profiles of potential customers and partners as well as country comparisons. It also provides initial factory layouts for production, trade and logistics with its partner “factorymaker”. Baldomer Industrial is the “wingman” for all steps involved in securing, approving and implementing the relocation.
Matthias Raßbach is a partner of Marktmonitor ApS for Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia and Serbia. These countries form a dynamic and rapidly growing economic area with global connections through important southern ports.
Austria has 9.2 million inhabitants and a high level of industrial expertise. Over 1,200 companies from the mechanical and plant engineering, steel construction, metal goods and foundry sectors form the core of Austrian industry.
Hungary has a population of 10.2 million, is one of the most important locations for the automotive industry in Central and Eastern Europe and is a member of the European Union with its own currency, the forint. The Budapest area is a central transportation hub in South-East Europe.
Croatia has 4 million inhabitants, is geographically centrally located in the Western Balkans and has an important gateway connection to international trade routes with the port of Rijeka. The country is a member of the European Union with the EURO as its currency.
Slovenia has 2.1 million inhabitants and is the hub of three European transport corridors. The port of Koper is another important southern port for the trade of goods to the Far East. Slovenia is an EU member state and has introduced the EURO.
Serbia has 6.6 million inhabitants and is an interesting nearshoring location with competitive costs, attractive tax rates, free trade agreements with the European Union, labor availability and an industrial base in automotive and mechanical engineering.
The market monitor provides detailed information on competitors, import and export volumes as well as potential sales partners and customers. The product enables rapid implementation of market entry strategies, reduces risks by providing a sound basis for decision-making and is more cost-effective than traditional market analyses. Thanks to the short delivery time, companies can react quickly to the insights gained and efficiently expand their market presence worldwide.

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